Photo by Kara Cooper

Kara Cooper Photography

What is a Sound Bath?

Tibetans have used sound therapy-sonic frequencies for more than 2000 years, and evidence also shows the ancient Egyptians were very familiar with sound therapy.

Healing music is performed using Tibetan singing bowls, Crystal bowls, Chimes.  You lay or sit comfortably while waves of sound wash over  you creating a feeling of being physically and mentally refreshed.  Sound baths calms our nervous system that has been overstimulated.  It also works on an energetic level to re-balance our chakra system that governs much of our physical and emotional body.

Sound Baths have scientifically been linked to a reduction in stress and anxiety.  Binaural beats (two tones played at slightly different frequencies) has shows to reduce anxiety and increases an elevation in mood.  It helps with depression, chronic pain and insomnia and allows us to be present in the moment.

What should I do to prepare for a session? What should I expect during the session? What are the side effects?

Drink lots of water prior to a session as sound waves are transported through water, the more hydrated you are the more penetrating the effect will be.

If you need to stand up, stretch, use the restroom, turn over, go ahead, your body is prompting you to act.

As  you prepare to relax, have in mind an intention for your session. Do you want to dump all the tension from your day?  Do you want to release anger and frustration?  Are you looking for clarity about a situation? Once your intention is set, let it go.  Most thing will become clear as you relax into the sounds.

Lay or sit quietly.  Listen to the sound as it washes over you.

It helps align your inner thoughts and feelings which can lead to tears, laughter and aha moments.

You might fall asleep during the Sound Bath, or that evening experience a deep restful night of sleep.

Gently re-enter the environment after a session.  Enjoy the feeling of quiet within your soul.  Drink water/warm tea. Be present with your quiet mind.

Copyright © 2016-present Inner Serenity Bodyworks, 105B #112 West Main, Puyallup WA 98371, Ph: 253-640-3155, Fax: 253-770-7131